Considering the 144,000 “Firstfruits”

In the Book of Revelation, we’re introduced to a group of Individuals that has proven Enigmatic to Disciples of nearly every persuasion. What is it that we need to consider about their Identity and their Significance in the Plan of God?

In two chapters of the book of Revelation, and in only those two places, we’re introduced rather graphically to a large group of individuals that apparently are of significance in the Plan of God. Chapter 7 calls attention to them first, and chapter 14 reflects back on them in their resurrected state, standing with the returned Christ on Mount Zion.

But as with so many things in scripture, we are not given all of the answers that we would like to have. Not that we aren’t given a number of key details. It’s just that some considerations are left ‘open’ and what is given is not sufficient to explain to us exactly who these multiple thousands are.

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